Mister Massage Lanka

Other Massage Services

A Therapist with In-Depth Understanding of the Human Body

Tantric Massage

Tantric Massage

Tantric Massage is a holistic and spiritually inspired form of bodywork that aims to balance the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being. It goes beyond traditional massage by incorporating elements of Tantra, a centuries-old practice that celebrates the union of mind, body, and spirit.
Soft Tissue Massage

Soft Tissue Massage

Soft Tissue Massage is a type of massage that targets the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, and fascia. It utilizes slow, gentle strokes and kneading techniques to release tension and promote relaxation. This massage style is known for its calming and soothing effects.


Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands, and ears that correspond to every part, organ, and system of the body. By applying targeted pressure to these reflex points, Reflexology aims to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and support the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a traditional and widely practiced massage technique known for its gentle yet effective approach to relaxation. It involves a combination of soothing strokes, kneading, gentle stretching, and rhythmic tapping to provide a holistic sense of calm and rejuvenation.
Sports Massage

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is a specialized massage technique tailored for individuals engaged in sports and physical activities. It focuses on enhancing performance, preventing and treating injuries, and promoting overall physical well-being. This type of massage involves a combination of deep tissue massage, stretching, and other techniques to address the specific needs of athletes.
Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is a therapeutic massage technique that focuses on reaching the deeper layers of muscle tissue and connective fascia. It is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing chronic pain, muscle stiffness, or tension. This massage style involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes and firm finger pressure on specific areas of the body.
Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Massage is a specialized massage technique that incorporates the use of essential oils extracted from aromatic plants. These essential oils are carefully selected and blended to enhance your physical and emotional well-being. As you receive your massage, the oils are absorbed through your skin and inhaled, providing a multisensory experience.